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Who Is

SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates?

Great question!

"Whom, exactly, is behind SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates? (and also our web entity:

Well, hopefully you have visited a few of our other pages. I hope you are getting an idea of what we're all about, and have found some real business-related value. I think the following quote summarizes the concept of whom and what we are very well. Hopefully, you share this same view for yourself:

"The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm." - Aldous Huxley

Thus, I think it's time to introduce myself to you more "formally"...

Brian P. Hower My name is Brian Hower.

I am firstly and foremostly a DAD and a HUSBAND. In fact, SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates and this site,, are my second online business venture.


You can click right on my nose in the photo above to go to my first (and still developing) foray into the electronic commerce world. I created the first one after coming to the realization that this world is really, fundamentally about love.

I don't mean in a religious way. Nor do I mean it in a "giddy" sort of way. And, for sure, I don't mean that to sound soft or effeminate. Anyone that knows me personally will fully attest to that! Yet, after all, and I challenge anyone (even physically larger and stronger than I!), to recite a compelling argument to the contrary.

When you thoroughly analyze things to the end conclusion, pure love simply has to be the ONE undeniable truth. I started this business because I believe this concept should fully apply to the business world also. Call me a nut but... shouldn't it? Here's at least one that would agree:

Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. - Vincent van Gogh

You will learn all about the amazing software system I use to create these Internet "business success machines" on the world wide web throughout this site so I'll leave that detail alone here. Searchlight Business Advocates came to be because, frankly, I have never been able to find MY ideal niche in the JOB world. Even after now, 25 years of trying to land the ideal job, still......not yet!

I have held several rewarding positions at both small privately owned companies as well as large national corporations. I began my "career" as a chemist. I ventured later into sales, rising to the Regional Sales Manager level. I consider myslef to be an educated professional.(did you catch how I spelled "myself" in this sentence? (In appreciation of the context and "precision timing" that it occurred in THIS sentence, I think I'll leave it!... I also believe you MUST keep tongue-in-cheek humor even bursts of laughter in your hip pocket at ALL times).

Few people would ever tell you that I am a poor employee. Albeit, some might argue that that is a subjective matter of opinion. Nevertheless, I have always tried to be honest and hard-working. In other words: "to do my best at all times in the best interests of the company". And I believe each of them got their "money's worth" from my effort.

Yet, I really never felt "professionally fulfilled" (I could go into the psychology of it all but you would be SO bored you would actually rather have my last job--so I'll save you that torment). Of course,I would be completely remiss if I did NOT credit those that helped me get to this point in my career.

Without my education, my employers, and all of that work and interpersonal experience, I certainly would never have arrived where I am right now...(uh, I'm in my basement, 10 pm, tied to a computer keyboard typing in my ten thousand - four hundred - and ....fifty....THREE (I mean third) word of the day.)

Boy, isn't it a "breath of fresh air" when REALITY sets in?! All kidding aside. I now absolutely LOVE what I do each day. And that is to help anyone and everyone, out there, any individual at all or any business person, small business owners, high school and college students, doctors, lawyers, accountants, even other psychotherapists!--(gheesh! I just can NOT stay serious)--- to START and/or IMPROVE any small business.

Yes, even stay-at-home moms or downsized dads can benefit in a huge, potentially LIFE-CHANGING, way. Likewise, retirees in need of a way to maintain some financial and meaningful structure in life can find their answer. They can continue to live, as opposed to "exist", and will find a very attractive option here too. You should know that positioning yourself for real success using the Internet is far less complicated than you think!

Starting and succeeding in business is not that difficult either---any more!

We'll show you exactly why both of these statements are TRUE throughout our new relationship with you! It will simply get easier and easier for you. That's precisely how WE started. But the key of all keys is not to be afraid. Don't hesitate. You have NO reason to be intimidated. No reason not to trust our company or the ones we associate with. They are all of only the highest integrity. We make certain of that. However, you DO truly have everything to gain! There IS good out there. Yes - even on the scary thing called the Internet. Good there too...and lots of it. We have found it. Now we are continuing it and EXPANDING it. Please join us in true small business and Internet success. We welcome you with open arms. Also, in case you're wondering, we do not in any way, shape or form, engage in hype, gimmicks, "secrets", or unscrupulous activity of any sort whatsoever.

(but with all the modern day amenities!)

And we do it...THE RIGHT WAY.

--With 100% Integrity--
We want to help you all and we have the uniquely qualified ability to do it. If you want to get to know me or any of us here, at SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates, just communicate with us. . If you don't understand something or want to know something but feel shy or in some way intimidated -- it's OK to just ASK. None of us knows everything. We'll explain it all to you or we'll figure it out - together. That's what good caring people DO for each other. If you simply don't trust us because we may be far away, TELL us that for sure!! If we aren't credible, respected and trusted, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we need to address that immediately. But we have to know that that's what you think or feel.

We know that trust is an earned privilege --just tell us what you need from us so that you can truly and completely trust us. We will give that to you. We created this very page to personally SHOW you that we are real, 100% credible and also that we CARE. If you arrived here looking for something and do not yet SEE it-- please tell us exactly what it was. The entire purpose of this website is to become your completely reliable and trusted business resource.

We need your input to grow into that ultimate role. Our integrity depends upon YOUR integrity and profitable success. We fully intend to be your most valuable PARTNER in business AND in success!

If YOU, personally--(no matter whom or where you are), need something specific - anything at all: Products, Information, Research, Assistance (even local errands!) in any way, come to us. We will do everything to try to make YOUR day easier, less stressful, MORE PROFITABLE and yes, maybe also...a little more fun.

Watch this hilarious video (click the arrow) made by someone EXTREMELY successful in online business to see an example of another person with the same serious, yet caring and fun-loving, business philosophy.


Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-835-9255 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243

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