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THE Best Small
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When Done Correctly,
A Website Will ALWAYS
Beat The Yellow Pages.
Read This Page To Learn
Exactly How A Website Compares
To Yellow Pages Advertising.

If you've been wondering how starting or having a website compares to yellow pages, print media, TV, radio advertising or most other traditional advertising and marketing methods, this page should make it crystal clear that there really is NO better option than building your online business and a great website using the Internet! Start by reading the information found HERE.

Then seriously look at the images on this page and think about what it really means for your business and your advertising/marketing effectiveness! Here is the typical Yellow Pages Ad for a small business. It is sized "to scale" so that you can accurately compare it to the website pages that are shown here below too. The actual size would be a 6 unit "dollar bill" size display ad. Here's the image:

The monthly rate for this SINGLE dollar-bill size ad is just about the SAME as for ALL of the full-size website pages shown below--and more!.

NOTE: The web pages allow you to enjoy 100% flexibility and changes any time at all. You can publish UNLIMITED amounts of influential information to the local, regional and yes, even global markets!

Now, if you were to place a second or third yellow pages ad, your costs would multiply proportionately as well. Next, if you want to expand your reach geographically, you have to place more ads in more and more local books. Ouch!

IMPORTANT: Many Yellow Pages Directory Companies now offer "websites", etc. As a former yellow pages ad rep myself, I know how they operate. In my experience, they do not fully develop any kind of web "business" for you. Worse, they WILL charge you more and more to expand categorically and geographically. Don't let that happen. It should not be that way! Call us first before you finalize any contracts!!

The overall scenario would also apply to radio, TV, newspaper, coupon paks, billboards, etc., etc. Right?

DONE CORRECTLY, Using Our Recommendations,
Your New Or Existing Website Will Become Your

(You're not placing an "ad". You will be building a complete online BUSINESS
that is a "twin" of your offline efforts!)

When you build a BUSINESS website, you can add as many new pages with unlimited information all about you as you want, make changes anytime you want, for the SAME low monthly rate.(does not multiply!) And, you immediately reach (and dominate!) your LOCAL areas (all of them) and even reach the whole world. All at NO additional cost. In other words, the more you do on the web, the LESS your cost per customer acquisition. You win in every direction.

Now consider that the entire world is moving away from all kinds of print media and more toward digital and Internet media every day.

Your audience and your CUSTOMER is more and more on the web!

So logically then , every yellow pages small business advertiser has an immediate opportunity to remain in the yellow pages. But the programs should be scaled back so that the more powerful and cost-effective Internet website methods can be implemented. It's entirely possible to have both programs going at virtually the same or even lower total monthly costs. Yet your results can be a hundred fold!

Again, for real-life visual comparison, here's the yellow pages ad image: ( Can't make changes, costs the same or more per month than an unlimited number of web pages as shown above.)

Each new website page is another "fishing pole" in the water. You can keep on GOING until YOU decide that you don't want more pages of great content (these are your very own "salesmen" out on the web) telling your story and pulling in warm, willing to buy, potential customers to YOU!

How in the world can the Yellow Pages or any other form of advertising do THAT?

That's right. It's impossible.

Get started right away and start building a web business that's even better than the typical "website" and trounce your competition easily and win sales now. It's the best single thing you could possibly do for your business.

It's very easy and extremely affordable to get started. There are NO risks or binding contracts at all. Simply contact us at the numbers below. halftextboxwbkgrdinclude.shtml

Searchlight "Best-Of-Breed" Recommendation!

If you plan to integrate eBay into your business, this book is a great and affordable starting point.

Starting an eBay Business
for details.

Thanks for reading!

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Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
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These beliefs form the core of our business foundation.

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"When YOU start a business and ultimately succeed, you not only affect the economy; you BECOME the economy. Learn the right way to get started on the web by using the Internet business website you are on - right now.

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