The Best Small Business Website For YOU!

What Makes The BEST Small Business Website...The Best?

That is a fantastic and absolutely critical question!...

What really DOES make the very best small business website? Is it pretty pictures? Interesting and compelling copy? Unique products or services? Or is it  something else altogether?

The best business website is the one that makes YOU money!

Agreed? I thought so. So, exactly how does that happen?

The absolute truth is this:  The website that makes the most money, or any at all, must be well conceived, impeccably researched, correctly structured, attractively designed and well maintained AND well MANAGED!

Most so called "experts" that will sell you simplistic do-it-yourself software or a cheapo, sub-par "cut and paste" site, are doing you NO favors. They are making themselves money...not you.

Why Our Small Business Websites Really Are Best

  1. We Use THE Best Research, Design and SEO Software System
  2. We Are Truly Expert in the Use of The Above System
  3. We Are Steadfast In Our Commitment To Quality And Value For Dollar
  4. We Are ALWAYS Here For You. No "Sell You And Leave You" With Us
  5. We Monitor And Manage Your Website Monthly To Make Sure It WINS.
  6. We Simply Give You MORE Features, Content, Systems, Coaching, etc.
  7. You Get Us too!  We Truly Strive To Partner With Our Clients In Success.

Whether you choose a BASIC, Enhanced or FULLY Developed small business website with us, rest assured that you get every possible, sensible bell and whistle. And every page is FULLY researched , expertly SEO and thoroughly analyzed to ensure the best possible results.

Our only goal is YOUR success.

2 Basic But AWESOME Small Business Website Options
Just For YOU!

We offer these 2 BASIC page plans for your consideration:

5 Perfect Pages

A Very basic 5 page "Online Presence" type of brochure style website. The basic 5 pages are as illustrated. HOME, ABOUT, POLICIES, SHOP, and FAQ. You will, of course, also have a great CONTACT page at no extra cost.

PRICE:  499.00 to Start. **This includes the entire software and hosting for 12 months.** Then, starting in month 2, it is just 229.00 monthly and ongoing to continue developing, SEO, monitoring, improving and managing the site for you!

8 to 10 Perfect Pages

This one expands reach with a few additional pages totaling 8 to 10 pages. Basic pages are the same as in the 5 page option. The 8 to 10 page option gives you more page choices. Topic can be anything you think best. See illustration above for a few ideas.

PRICE:  499.00 to Start. **This includes the entire software and hosting for 12 months.** Then, starting in month 2, it is just 349.00 monthly and ongoing to continue developing, SEO, monitoring, improving and managing the site for you!

For a more complete list of our full service line Visit our SERVICES page.


You may choose to upgrade/add content to any plan at any point in time. You may also cancel at any point in time if not satisfied with progress or results. We simply ask that you allow us at least three months after START to design, research, structure, build, SEO and monitor the site for initial Search Engine (Google, Bing, etc. rankings and site/visitor traffic and activity. Thank you!

He Who Hesitates Is Lost.

So there you have it!

If you need the best small business website for YOUR business OR have realized that you need a BETTER one, respond to this page TODAY.  No time like the present! That's even more true when it comes to web marketing. So what are you waiting for?  Let's go.

Just Fill Out The Easy Contact Form HERE.

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Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-836-8701 or Toll Free: 1-866-452-4243
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