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Dear Business Owner,

I have learned that most small business owners are confused or worse, overwhelmed when it comes to their Internet Marketing.

This is a concern. It's costing business owners money!

With the Internet now firmly in place as the #1 search medium for all needs, it is critical that YOUR Internet Marketing is done right!
Yet it likely is not, This is because of the confusion and overwhelm. So I am offering you this simple chart to hopefully help you better understand the top 5 strategies.
I have included some illustrations and explanations so that you can tell exactly where YOU stand and how to improve.

Don't let your competition outperform you in these very important areas of business!

Call us right away if you would like expert assistance.

Strategy: What people do WRONG How to get this RIGHT
Business Website

Think of the "website" as an online advertisement. This will NOT generate buyer leads or SALES! Just beause it's "pretty" does not mean it's generating business! If this is how you view it, you're making a huge mistake! Develop a BUSINESS CONTENT site instead! This is the correct method. This gives you unlimited high quality content, correctly SEO'd so YOU are found over your competitors. This is the ideal way to generate SALES!
Mobile Responsive

Not having any idea what this means or why it is SO important! Work with a knowledgeable Internet Marketing expert like Searchlight Business Advocates now! With over 60% of YOUR market using a SmartPhone for virtually everything these days, you must be absolutely sure that YOUR site looks and functions like the RIGHT-hand image in our illustration and not like the LEFT!
Social Media

Failing to identify which Social Platforms would truly benefit their business. Not properly setting up pages. Not establishing a regular campaign of meaningful, high quality posts that influence buyers. Work with Searchlight Business Advocates to determine which platforms best suit your business. We have several options and price ranges that will get you into perfect position on a variety of Social Media platforms with which to engage and influence your current and future customers!

Not realizing how important video has become as a Search Engine (Google!) ranking factor. Think it's too difficult/expensive to produce a quality business video. Have no idea how to distribute or get exposure for the video. Searchlight Business Advocates has developed several great options solving ALL of these issues for you. Get in touch with us asap and start utilizing the power of VIDEO!

Handling this non-chalantly or doing it "piece-meal". Not managing E-mail and losing track of important communications, etc. Miss a SALE? It's important to select a great E-mail Marketing solution that will help you professionally, collect customer information, properly gain their permission to engage in communications and provide them with precisely targeted information that SELLS! Let Searchlight Business Advocates assist you with this or just handle it all for you!
OK. That's pretty simple isn't it? Of course, there is a lot more to all of this than meets the eye.
But if you don't understand the basics, it's very hard to get things right.
I hope this is a helpful, meaningful and welcomed message. If any of this seems to resonate, if you feel like we should talk, just reply.
Quality Internet Marketing, when done well is the most affordable and effective way to grow or keep your business on top!

Thanks for reading!


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Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-836-8701 or Toll Free: 1-866-452-4243
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